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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cake Recipes

Kue Kosui/Lompang
100 grams of brown sugar / palm sugar, roughly cut; 100 ml water, 60 grams (1 / 4 cup) granulated sugar; 5 sm rice flour, 2 sm sago flour, 1 / 2 st gray water (alkaline water); 50 grams grated coconut, 1 / 4 st salt, water to 400 ml.

How to create:
- Mix grated coconut and salt, and steam for 15 minutes

- Heat brown sugar and 100 m of water with small fire until the sugar dissolves. Add sugar until dissolved. Filter and add water to 400 ml kan silent until cold.
- Mix flour and water, sugar and salt water, slosh average. Filter
- Cook the dough using a "double boiler" (cooking pot over the dough checkered hot water). agal until thick dough. ngetes its way, take the spoon, paste the back of the spoon to mix and spoon sapukan fingers to form the finger is used to wipe the dough is thick.
-vessel to tuang dough. steam for 40 minutes if the use of brass. but if enough cucing use 15 minutes.
- Remove, cool in a refrigerator for 3 hours, better overnight. can cut.

Required by the recipe: 6285668175981

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