Batam Business: As one of the metropolitan city, Batam is clearly a goal of the Diaspora, especially the city is already known as an industrial city that is very promising.
But not a few people who come to Batam finally come home disappointed and empty-handed. But those who are willing to work hard and continue to build the business, would be sipping the sweetness of dollars in this scorpion-shaped island.
Yes because in Batam any business will surely reap success as long as entrepreneurs are resilient and not easily broken charcoal. As performed by Tasripin. Man from Bradford, Central Java realizes that she is already not young when first set foot in Batam in 2006.
Working in the factory would not be his goal. From my hometown, only one in town wanted him to reach this "Successful Entrepreneurs". But being a businessman taklah as easy as turning the palm of the hand. In addition to requiring courage and a high work ethic. An employer also would need capital.
Well, this is not owned by Tasripin time. To connect his life, he also worked anything to get money halal.
"I've been selling cakes pukis, agar-agar. Selling burgers around housing ever. Not wear wheelbarrow or bike, I carry his cart," explained Tasripin.
But soon selling, its economy back hard. Finally, this guy stopped trying and prefer to ride with friends to sell bananas sekampungnya Molen.
Beginning in 2007, emerged from the mind of a brilliant idea to make banana Tasripin Molen as a very promising business in Batam. With capitalize cart outboard, Tasripin hawking wares in front of schools. And from there began a lot of requests from buyers or customers who always order both to mothers wiritan event, social gathering or other purposes.
Starting from two kilos to 60 kilos of flour per day per day exhausted, then from there Tasripin make packaging more attractive and exclusive to raise the sales turnover.
In the future he will also register the trademark rights "Pisang Molen Alit Batam" to the Board of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), so there's nothing to match its product discovery.
From complex Legend Avenue Block C4 No. 7 Batamcenter as its sales center, he has opened a branch in front of the SMP 12 Legend Batamcenter Malacca, and in front of the SD 002/005 Baloi Lubukbaja, and the third is the sales center has he got a better response from customers and can raise a pretty good turnover.
"From the materials we use cooking oil but not oil bulk cooking oil quality packaging, and materials we bring bananas from outside the area of Batam island is only banana kepok utamannya materials, packaging and wrapping us a message from Jakarta, we are open from 07:00 until nine o'clock that night for the home. Meanwhile, in front of the SMP 12 and SD 002/005 we open from 07:00 until five o'clock, "he explained.
Pisang Molen only Alit that tastes good, Umami and crisp, the only snacks that can be served at all events.
Explained Tasripin customers mostly from the local banana molennya Mukakuning (Batamindo) and also from area Shoot Batam Center and other industrial areas around the island of Batam.
Intrigued by the taste of Banana Molen Alit? come directly or call the phone number 081372324060 or 081364252826 (MB11/one)